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When you're stuck in a cycle of hurt or anger, and one of you doesn’t want to go to therapy, it feels crushing.

Click here to quickly and easily diffuse tension and reconnect!

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Alyssa and Jake were once the picture-perfect couple, excitedly planning their wedding and dreaming of a future together. But as the big day drew closer, cracks began to show. What began as minor disagreements over wedding details quickly escalated into heated arguments about everything from finances to family dynamics, leaving both feeling misunderstood and isolated. Jake felt criticized and pulled away emotionally, while Alyssa, overwhelmed by anxiety, struggled to keep the peace. Each argument left them more distant, and the cycle of hurt and anger seemed impossible to break.


Alyssa, desperate to save their relationship, suggested therapy. But Jake recoiled at the idea, fearing what others would think of them being labeled as a couple who needed therapy before even getting married. The stigma weighed heavily on them, amplifying their sense of failure. Alyssa felt hopeless—she knew they needed help, but she couldn’t force Jake to go where he wasn’t willing.


In her search for alternatives, she discovered relationship coaching. The idea of coaching felt different, less clinical, and more focused on growth than on fixing something broken. Relationship coaching felt different and familiar because both Emma and Jake had experienced the positive impact of coaches growing up—guiding them through challenges and helping them become stronger, which made this approach feel more comfortable. With cautious hope, they decided to give it a try.


As they began relationship coaching, the walls between them slowly started to come down. The sessions felt more like guided conversations, helping them reconnect with the love and respect that had brought them together in the first place. They loved the practical tools and insights, allowing them to see past the hurt and communicate in ways that built trust and a safe space for vulnerability. Jake appreciated the focus on strengths rather than shortcomings, and Alyssa felt heard and supported.


Over time, the despair that once shadowed their relationship began to lift. They learned how to navigate their differences without spiraling into conflict, rediscovered the joy in planning their future, and grew closer than ever. Relationship coaching became the bridge that led them back to each other, transforming what felt like the end into a new beginning.


Strengthen your connection and reduce conflict in the relationships that matter most to you with relationship coaching.

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Mark and Susan watched in frustration and heartache as their once close relationship with their daughter was slipping away. The easy conversations and shared family moments had been replaced by tension, arguments, and unsettling silence. Their daughter, who had always been open and affectionate, was now distant, spending more time on her phone than with them. She questioned their views, pushed boundaries, and when she wasn’t isolating herself, she was lashing out with words that stung. They felt like they were losing her and didn’t know how to bridge the growing divide.


Mark and Susan felt desperate. They knew they needed help, but the idea of therapy was off the table. They didn’t want other people to gossip or attach labels to their family. 


In their search for resources to help, they stumbled upon relationship coaching. It felt different—less about diagnosing problems and more about guiding and not about blaming. Mark and Susan decided to give it a try, hoping it could offer the help they so desperately needed without the stigma they feared.


Through relationship coaching, they began to see their daughter in a new light. The coach helped them understand the challenges she was facing as she tried to navigate her own path and identity. They learned new ways to communicate that didn’t escalate into arguments, and they discovered practical strategies to reconnect with her without pushing her away. Their daughter, in turn, felt more understood and less judged, which opened the door for honest conversations.


Slowly, the tension began to ease. Family time became less strained, and while they still faced challenges, Mark and Susan felt more equipped to handle them together. Relationship coaching didn’t just repair the bond with their daughter—it transformed it, allowing them to rebuild their connection with a newfound respect and understanding that would carry them forward.

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While these stories are fictional they represent the possibilities of how relationship coaching works.


Using my unique Harmony Method sessions will be personalized to fit your needs, with a choice of impactful topics like improving communication, creating a safe space for vulnerability, and even rediscovering the joy of fun in your relationship.


Relationship coaching isn’t just for couples or parents—it’s also for individuals who want to set healthy boundaries or strengthen their support system. Whether you’re healing from a falling out with a friend or looking to mend a strained connection, I’m here to help, whether you come together or alone.


So, trade the therapy label for online relationship coaching, and still work with a relationship expert who’s been a licensed psychologist for over 30 years. 

About Me
Side profile of Dr. Barnhart leaning on her knee, smiling

About Me

I see you—the heartache, the doubt, the wondering if there’s a future for your relationship.


I know what it’s like when a relationship is close and emotionally safe, and I also know the pain when a relationship you thought would last begins to fall apart.


People often come to me feeling desperate, questioning whether there’s any future left for their relationship.


You’re not alone in this. Through working with many couples and individuals, I’ve developed The Harmony Method, specifically designed to help decrease conflict and increase connection in relationships that matter the most to you. This method isn’t just about avoiding arguments—it’s about rebuilding peace and remaining curious, not furious with each other.


Hi! I'm Dr. Kristin Barnhart. As a licensed psychologist for over 25 years, I bring both expertise and empathy to every coaching session. I understand the challenges you’re facing, and I’m here to help you navigate them with care and compassion. My goal is to create a space where you feel seen, heard, and supported as we work together to restore your relationship.


Whether you’re struggling with ongoing conflicts, feeling emotionally distant, or just trying to figure out where things went wrong, I’m here to guide you.


Through online coaching sessions and packages, I offer support to clients around the world. And if you’re looking for a deeper, immersive experience, in-person retreats are also available.


Your journey to healing and reconnection starts here. Together, we’ll find the path forward, whether it’s through rebuilding what’s been broken or finding new ways to grow closer.



My husband and I made love twice in 24 hours after I applied what I learned from just one coaching session with Kristin!
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