The Harmony Method
You may be arguing and longing for connection again, or you may already have a good marriage.
Whatever your starting point, you want to decrease conflict and increase intimacy. You want things to be better between the two of you so that you can have the most joy and peace in your life.
As you move through the modules of the Harmony Method, you'll learn valuable communication tools that will help you be curious rather than furious with each other.
Couples love that hope is infused in the sessions and that I have a solution-focused approach aimed at clearing a path for helping them move toward happiness again.
I designed it to start at the foundation and build its way up the spiral so that a relationship grows closer and healthier each step of the way.
People who come for coaching share a common goal. They want to improve their connection with the people that matter most to them.
That's why I created The Harmony Method. It’s a clear, intentional model that helps everyone achieve exactly what they want - less bickering and more loving!
The Harmony Method because it’s infused with hope and offers a solution-focused approach that keeps you from getting stuck in problems. The method has modules for reducing conflict, improving connection and being curious, not furious with each other.
Modules can be used in any order and tailored to your unique needs. This flexibility ensures that you get the support and guidance you need, exactly when you need it. Clients love it!
In order to protect the confidentiality of my clients while still illustrating the transformative impact of The Harmony Method, the stories shared are a blend of experience from my work with clients and fiction. These illustrations allow me to share how it works without compromising anyone's privacy.
Arguing Respectfully
We all know the pitfalls of not arguing respectfully—whether it’s the silent treatment or hurtful words, both can deeply damage a relationship. But what if you could turn conflicts into opportunities for growing closer instead?
In the Arguing Respectfully module, I’ll teach you how to address problems and maintain each other’s dignity. You’ll learn to collaborate on solving issues rather than attacking one another so you can avoid unnecessary hurt.

Katie and Jason loved their life together but often found themselves in heated arguments. Their biggest challenge was when they disagreed about Jason's long hours at work. Katie felt neglected, while Jason felt unappreciated for trying to provide for the family.
Instead of diving into a cycle of silent treatment or hurtful remarks, they decided to apply the techniques from The Harmony Method. They shifted their approach from blaming to problem-solving. With practice, their conflicts became less about attacking each other and more about finding solutions together. Their relationship grew stronger as they learned to fight respectfully, turning their disagreements into opportunities for deeper understanding and empathy for each other.​
In this module I’ll teach you very specific things to do and not do to create an environment where both of you feel safe to express yourselves and everyone’s dignity remains intact. By incorporating these strategies, you’ll find that even challenging conversations can bring you closer.
Many people either haven’t apologized to each other in a long time or they’re giving apologies that aren’t sincere or being well received. This often leads to unresolved conflicts and a strained relationship. Without genuine apologies, healing from disagreements becomes much more difficult and time-consuming. Hurt or angry feelings might be left to linger without any resolution.
In the Apologizing module I’ll guide you through essential elements of a full apology so you can have a path toward being close again.

For example, Sadie and Mike had been in a pattern where they would argue, and neither would apologize. The lack of genuine apologies meant that small disagreements turned into resentments. Their once warm and loving relationship felt cold and distant.
After learning principles from The Harmony Method, they started apologizing in a way that met the needs of the other person. Sadie discovered that Mike needed a clear acknowledgment of her mistakes and a sincere effort to make amends. Mike realized that Sadie needed to hear not just “I’m sorry,” but also an understanding of how his actions had impacted her.
Once they started using this approach, their arguments were resolved much more quickly.
By integrating the apology techniques I teach in this module, you too can experience arguments that don’t last as long, and a quicker return to peace and harmony in your relationships.
In the Forgiving module, we recognize that holding onto grudges can be like carrying a heavy weight around all the time. When we don’t let go of past hurts, resentment and anger can build up.
The constant replaying of old conflicts can trap us in a cycle of stress and anxiety, affecting not just our mental well-being but our physical health too. It can lead to higher blood pressure, digestive problems, and more.​

Many people know that forgiveness is important, but they often avoid it because they aren't clear on what it really means and what it doesn’t mean.​
That’s where I come in. I’ll teach you about what forgiveness does and doesn’t involve so you can maintain clear boundaries while working toward healthier, more fulfilling relationships.