You were so close during pregnancy as you united in anticipation of the beautiful addition to your family. The shared excitement, planning and emotional support brought closer than ever before.
It was so exciting when baby finally arrived!
After a short while you may have noticed that the closeness you recently had with your spouse is different now.
The demands of caring for a newborn, combined with sleepless nights and altered routines, can lead to exhaustion and strain on any couple's relationship. You're not alone!
Click below for 5 Ways to Stay Close after Having a Baby!
You're at work and you feel like your letting your spouse down by not spending more time together. When you're at home you feel like your job is in jeopardy.
You love your spouse and your family! You long to be with them. At the same time, the demands at work are time-consuming and demanding.
You feel stuck and need a path toward hope. You're not alone! This is a very common struggle for the couples I see.
Click below for a free guide for having meaningful and productive conversations about recalibrating your time and money - the underlying source of tension affecting work and home.
Staying Close While Grieving

You're feeling so alone even though you're married. You're both grieving so differently and at different times. Your emotions are all over the place and so are theirs. One minute you need a warm consoling embrace, the next you want to push everyone and everything away.
It's so important in times like these to keep the lines of communication open, honest & consistent.
Click below for a free resource with guidance for staying close when you need each other the most.
Your relationship is strained and tense over a move. Packing, logistics and settling into a new home has created a level of stress that tests your relationship.
You had so many dreams about how things were going to be in new home and now you're stressed and edgy with each other.
You want to be close again!
Click below for the free resource I created to help couples Navigating a Move Together. You'll learn how to communicate effectively and approach the process as a team.
You used to have fun together. Now it's a season where it's a little more work or maybe you even forgot how to have fun with each other.
Click below for some healthy guidance for bringing that sparkle back into your life!
P.S. Couples love this one!
More coming soon!

More freebies soon!