The Harmony Method
You may be fighting and longing for connection again, or you may already have a good marriage.
Whatever your starting point, you want to decrease conflict and increase intimacy. You want things to be better between the two of you so that you can have the most joy and peace in your life.
As you move through the modules of the Harmony Method, you'll learn valuable communication tools that will help you be curious rather than furious with each other.
Couples love that hope is infused in the sessions and that I have a solution-focused approach aimed at clearing a path for helping them move toward happiness again.
I designed it to start at the foundation and build its way up the spiral so that a relationship grows closer and healthier each step of the way.
People who come for coaching share a common goal. They want to improve their connection with the people that matter most to them.
That's why I created The Harmony Method. It’s a clear, intentional model that helps everyone achieve exactly what they want - less fighting and more loving!
The Harmony Method because it’s infused with hope and offers a solution-focused approach that keeps you from getting stuck in problems. The method has modules for reducing conflict, improving connection and being curious, not furious with each other.
Modules can be used in any order and tailored to your unique needs. This flexibility ensures that you get the support and guidance you need, exactly when you need it. Clients love it!
In order to protect the confidentiality of my clients while still illustrating the transformative impact of The Harmony Method, the stories shared are a blend of experience from my work with clients and fiction. These illustrations allow me to share how it works without compromising anyone's privacy.
Creating a Safe Space for Vulnerability
Creating a safe space for vulnerability means having a place where you can truly be yourself, sharing your thoughts and feelings without fear of judgment or negative consequences. This is a game-changer for any relationship.
It’s not just about sharing what's on your mind but about creating an environment where both people feel secure enough to be their true selves.
When a couple masters this content, their emotional and physical intimacy can skyrocket!

Annie and Mark felt distant and disconnected. Mark felt like he couldn’t share his deeper concerns with Annie because he didn’t want to seem weak. Annie, on the other hand, struggled to open up about her insecurities because she feared he would criticize her.
Using the Creating a Safe Space for Vulnerability material, Annie and Mark learned how to express their fears and insecurities in a supportive way. They learned how to create an environment where both felt comfortable expressing their true selves without worrying about being judged or dismissed.
The Creating a Safe Space for Vulnerability module doesn’t just help you express feelings; it helps you create a space where both of you can take your relationship to the next level, discovering new things about each other, and building a foundation of greater trust and empathy.
By learning these skills, you'll find that your relationship becomes not only more authentic but also more resilient.
Sharing Needs & Desires
If we don’t share our needs and desires, our loved ones won't know what they are. Sometimes, we find ourselves just going with the flow, hoping others will understand our unspoken wishes. This can lead to feeling overlooked and empty. When we don't speak up about what we want, we can end up feeling resentful.
Julia’s story is a powerful example. Since childhood, she had been a people pleaser, putting others' needs before her own. This carried into adulthood, leaving her unsure of what she truly wanted in her relationships with family, friends, and potential partners.

Through coaching sessions, Julia began to explore who she truly was and what she wanted. She practiced articulating her feelings and needs, first with her family, then with her friends. She used new communication tools to express herself more clearly, finding that her relationships became more authentic and supportive. Her family began to understand her better, and her friends appreciated her honesty.
But Julia didn’t stop there. She noticed that her romantic relationships had been limited by her difficulty in expressing herself. Determined to improve her communication skills, she applied the techniques from the Harmony Method to her dating life as well. She found that by being open and honest about her desires, she attracted partners who respected and valued her for who she was.
Maintaining Connection During Transitions
For couples, transitions can significantly affect emotional and physical intimacy. Increased stress, exhaustion, lack of time together, and changes in routine can create barriers that can lead to hurt feelings and isolation. In the Maintaining Connection During Transitions module, you’ll discover strategies to tackle these sensitive challenges together. You’ll learn how to communicate effectively, prioritize your relationship, and find creative ways to stay connected despite the changes. Couples who have taken this module often report feeling more nurtured and fulfilled.

Friendships can also be affected by major life transitions, such as relocating or changing jobs. These shifts can make it difficult to maintain regular contact, leading to one person feeling forgotten or left out. In this module, you’ll explore ways to stay in touch, express your needs, and support each other through life’s ups and downs.
Having Fun
Remember when you first met and how much fun you had together!
If that’s disappearing or if you want to make sure it doesn’t disappear, you’re going to love this module.
You'll recall fun times together and get something you love on the calendar during this module so that you continue to make happy memories together.

Creating a safe space for vulnerability means having a place where you can truly be yourself, sharing your thoughts and feelings without fear of judgment or negative consequences. This is a game-changer for any relationship.
It’s not just about sharing what's on your mind but about creating an environment where both people feel secure enough to be their true selves.
When a couple masters this content, their emotional and physical intimacy can skyrocket!