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Blue Harmony Method Banner featuring Dr. Barnhart’s

The Harmony  Method

You may be fighting and longing for connection again, or you may already have a good marriage.


Whatever your starting point, you want to decrease conflict and increase intimacy. You want things to be better between the two of you so that you can have the most joy and peace in your life.


As you move through the modules of the Harmony Method, you'll learn valuable communication tools that will help you be curious rather than furious with each other. 


Couples love that hope is infused in the sessions and that I have a solution-focused approach aimed at clearing a path for helping them move toward happiness again.


I designed it to start at the foundation and build its way up the spiral so that a relationship grows closer and healthier each step of the way


Here are the modules for the Harmony Method

Managing Expectations

When we’re not managing expectations, there’s a lot that can go wrong

  • You can end up angry at each other

  • You can feel disappointed or disillusioned

  • You can make judgments that aren’t true


When you got married you wanted to live with this person forever, you would have never believed that they had a bad intention behind what they’re doing. But why are we now?


I help you address that in this coaching module.


Once you start using the tools I teach for managing expectations, just imagine how things could be different!

  • You’re not going to get angry as often

  • You’re going to feel like you are on the same team


This module is a couple’s choice module!


You choose the topic. Job, finances, friends, parenting…


I’ll use my skills and experience to help you address this topic so that you are communicating more effectively.

Managing Time as a Couple

Lack of quality time together can lead to emotional and romantic disconnection.


Communication can break down, especially when there is limited time available for open and meaningful conversations, making it hard to address issues and resolve conflicts.


In this module, I’ll teach you some simple, doable strategies to make time for each other so that you can still have intimacy & joy even when life is pulling you in all the directions! 

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